Wednesday, May 15, 2024


7:30am - 4:30pm  Registration Open                

Location: Landing / Paradise Bay Ballroom   (2nd Floor)



7:30am - 8:30am  Breakfast Buffet              

Location: Silver Bay Ballroom (4th Floor)



8:45am - 10:30am Opening General Session

Location: Paradise Bay Ballroom (2nd Floor)

Department of Agriculture and Markets
Mark McMullen, Division of Agricultural Development, Food and Nutrition- Team Leader

New York State Education Department
Kimberly Vumbaco, Child Nutrition Programs, NYS Education Department- Director

Office of General Services
Gabrielle Viens, Food Distribution- Assistant Director



10:45m - 11:30am  Breakout Workshops

Processing the Bird: The Whole Bird, the Dark, the White and Everything in Between!
Location: Lakeshore C
Marianne Dayton, SNS, Senior k-12 Director, Affinity Group
Further processing of Poultry- Steps to plan to use the Whole Bird.
Presentation Slides Here


Distribution of Commodities and Stakeholder Roles
Location: Lakeshore AB
Frank Palmo, Food Distribution Administrator, Office of General Services
In this session, you will gain valuable insight into the role that both OGS and your school district plays in New York State’s USDA Foods program through the lens of the OGS USDA Foods Timeline. Through this discussion, you will gain a better understanding of these roles and of your role in the events that occur throughout the annual timeline for the USDA Direct Delivery (Brown Box), USDA Direct Diversion (Processing), USDA DoD Fresh, and USDA Pilot programs. 
Presentation Slides Here

NYS Education Department - Round table discussions
Location: Paradise Bay Ballroom (2nd Floor)
Kimberly Vumbaco, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, NYS Education Department
Participants will have the opportunity to participate in specific topic discussions with SED Child Nutrition staff, peers, and partners in this interactive session. Topics to include meal pattern requirements, procurement, administrative reviews, farm to school, and use of school foodservice funds.


11:30am - 2:00pm Lunch with Tabletop Displays and Speed Networking

Location: Silver Bay Ballroom (4th Floor) 

Click here for the full list of table tops with fun facts!       



2:15pm – 3:00pm Breakout Workshops:

Owning Your Program’s Narrative: Harnessing The Power of Social Media  
Location: Lakeshore AB
Dan Giusti, Brigaid
The concept of social media is often negative and even daunting when we think of school food. But it doesn't have to be! Dan Giusti has used social media to shed light on the great work of school food service programs and staff across the US, since starting Brigaid. Throughout this session, Dan will share tips and tricks for how to build a positive social media presence for your program. 
Presentation Slides Here
Simplifying USDA Foods
Location: Lakeshore C
Jose Quinones – National School Business Development, J.T.M Food Group
In this session you will learn different ways to spend your entitlement dollars from maximizing the usage of USDA foods in your menu; making a reimbursable meal that incorporates speed-scratch; ensuring a sustainable program and ultimately making a positive impact on your program’s finance.
Presentation Slides Here
Innovative Practices Summer Meals
Location: Paradise Bay Ballroom (2nd Floor)
Cody Bloomfield, Afterschool and Summer Meals Specialist, Hunger Solutions New York and Liz Lucas, Program Manager, No Kid Hungry New York 
Join Hunger Solutions New York and No Kid Hungry New York to learn about best practices to reach more kids and teens with summer meals. Participants will learn more about: strategies for effective summer meals outreach to families and caregivers; leveraging the rural non-congregate option to reach more kids with summer meals; and building partnerships with community-based organizations to add new feeding sites. Join the conversation to set yourself up for a successful summer in 2024! 
Presentation Slides Here



3:15pm - 4:30pm General Session:

Location: Paradise Bay Ballroom (2nd Floor) 

Getting started with Scratch Cooking - Dan Giusti, Brigaid         

Presentation Slides Here              



5:00pm – 6:00pm Drink to Your Health Mocktail Happy Hour

Location: Lobby