A Industry Partner of the New York School Nutrition Association is an company or organization that does not qualify for other types of membership and is interested in furthering the programs of our Association. Such as: Food, Technology, Point of Sale, Apparel, Equipment etc. 

As an NYSNA industry partner, you will have direct access to Directors, Buyers, Supervisors, and future child nutrition department leaders who represent School Food and Nutrition Services in New York State.

*As of January 1, 2020 the membership cycle will be from April 1 - March 31, for all memberships*

Current or New Members may also download the Membership Form (PDF) today to renew or join!

Click Here to Join

Benefits of an Industry Membership with NYSNA

The New York  School Nutrition Association appreciates your support of our mission very much. 

Partnerships with companies/organizations that provide products & services to School Nutrition Programs are essential to our longevity and we hope to keep it that way for years to come!  


 Click Here for the 2025
NYSNA Events Information and Pricing